Reiki – Emma Roy Yoga Retreats & Classes


Reiki creates positive change in peoples lives. It always helps – and never harms
What is Reiki?
Although hands-on healing has been practiced for thousands of years, in the late 19th century in Japan, Dr Mikao Usui developed the ancient art for a changing society and it became known as Reiki. It is a safe, gentle technique for transferring healing energy. It is not attached to any religion and does not conflict with any individuals beliefs.
The Treatment
The patient remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her hands appropriately, on or above different areas of the body. The energy will flow to wherever it is most needed. It works on different levels – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
The Benefits.
Reiki helps to unblock areas of congestion restoring harmony, allowing healing to occur. It is effective for treating a wide range of ailments. It works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques. Recipients report their experiences of Reiki to include increased energy, reduction of pain, deeply relaxing, and a general feeling of well-being and balance.
About Emma & Reiki
Emma is a fully qualified Reiki Master Practitioner using the original Usui method.  She has 25 years experience with hands-on healing. Working with her teachers has enhanced her skills, but most importantly her own life experiences, bring honesty and integrity, intuition, and spiritual awareness to her work.
One to One Reiki Healing.  Home visit or @ Fieldings, Box
£50 per session (75 mins)
£30 Distant Healing (30 mins)
A travel cost may be charged for home visits. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellation or a fee will be charged.